Laser Workshop

Join us for the 13th edition

13th Annual Workshop on Laser Technology and Systems for Astronomical Adaptive Optics

Join us for the 13th edition of the annual workshop on Laser Technology and Systems for Adaptive Optics (L4AO-13)! The L4AO-13 workshop will take place on Friday June 7th, 2019 and Saturday June 8th, 2019 at Université Laval's Pavillon d'Optique-Photonique Auditorium (COP-1168). More information about the Workshop Objectives, Organizing Committee, Statement of Principles, and other details are available on the L4AO-13 official web site. Registration is FREE, and workshop participants are welcome to apply for financial assistance towards travel and child care costs on the L4AO-13 web site. The number of L4AO-13 workshop participants will be limited, so we recommend that you register early to avoid disappointment.