Scientific program

Cutting-edge research to further science and exploration

Program - Thursday, June 13, 2019

9:00 Accelerometer-based tip-tilt vibration suppression at the LBT Martin Glueck
9:20 Deformable Mirrors development in Europe - Results of the first phase of the ESO R&D program Stefan Ströbele
9:40 MEMS Deformable Mirrors for High Contrast Imaging in Current and Future Telescope Paul Bierden
10:00 New deformable Mirrors available for the ELT and future developments Pierre Mahiou
10:20 Two large deformable mirrors for TMT Jean-Christophe Sinquin
10:40 Coffee break
11:10 *Keynote presentation* The ESO Extremely Large Telescope Michele Cirasuolo
11:50 LGS tomography and spot truncation: tips and tricks Sylvain Oberti
12:10 INGOT WFS for LGSs: first results from simulations Elisa Portaluri
12:30 Lunch
14:00 GNAO: an MCAO system for Gemini North towards Conceptual Design Gaetano Sivo
14:20 Implementation of a high performance solver for the tomographic reconstructor Nicolas Doucet
14:40 Analysis the MICADO-MAORY SCAO performance Fabrice Vidal
15:00 The SCAO module for HARMONI, towards final design Jean-Francois Sauvage
15:20 Integrated Modelling of NFIRAOS: Characterizing performance in the presence of vibration Joeleff Fitzsimmons
15:40 Modeling the Giant Magellan Telescope dome seeing using fluid dynamics simulations Rodolphe Conan
16:00 Poster session
19:00 Conference dinner

Poster session


  • POSTER-SYS-044: Atmospheric profiling by generalized SLODAR methods (Tapio Helin)
  • POSTER-SYS-045: Preliminary Model for Radiometric Design and Analysis of the Breakthrough Starshot Initiative (Joseph Rice)
  • POSTER-SYS-046: Voice-coil array development for a deformable mirror (Ryan Luder)
  • POSTER-SYS-047: MAORY the Adaptive Optics module for ELT: design overview (Paolo Ciliegi)
  • POSTER-SYS-048: MICADO Spectroscopic SCAO metrology system (Vincent Garrel)
  • POSTER-SYS-050: Adaptive-optics performance limits with pyramids (Carlos Correia)
  • POSTER-SYS-051: The Current Optical and Mechanical Design for the GMT High-Contrast Exoplanet Instrument GMagAO-X (Laird Close)
  • POSTER-SYS-052: Optical design trade-off study for the AO module of MAVIS (Davide Greggio)
  • POSTER-SYS-054: Analyzing the Viability of Satellite Laser Guide Stars for Breakthrough Starshot (Matthew Noyes)
  • POSTER-SYS-055: High Contrast Imaging preliminary performance simulations for the Giant Magellan Telescope (Fernando Quiros-Pacheco)
  • POSTER-SYS-057: Performance of Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System in Solar Telescope DKIST (Jose Marino)
  • POSTER-SYS-059: Status of the AO systems at the LBT - Paving the Way for ELTs (Julian Christou)
  • POSTER-SYS-060: Extremely Bright Guide Stars for ExAO using an Orbital Constellation (William Thompson)
  • POSTER-SYS-061: The Final Design of NFIRAOS (David Andersen)
  • POSTER-SYS-062: Satellite Laser Guide Stars for Large Aperture Segmented Ground Telescopes (James Clark)
  • POSTER-SYS-063: Precision Photometric Calibration with Satellite Speckles (Ananya Sahoo)
  • POSTER-SYS-064: To interfere or not to interfere: a question LBTO will have to answer soon! (Christian Veillet)
  • POSTER-SYS-065: The concept of the MCAO/GLAO upgrade of DKIST (Dirk Schmidt)
  • POSTER-SYS-066: OPTICON: AO networking (James Osborn)
  • POSTER-SYS-067: The real time MCAO Solar demonstrator for the EST (Luz Maria Montoya Martinez)
  • POSTER-SYS-068: Linear Parameter Varying control for Adaptive Optics (Jesse Cranney)
  • POSTER-SYS-069: Preliminary Design of the MAORY Calibration and Test Unit (CTU)(Ivan Di Antonio)


  • POSTER-POST-PR-110: Development of PSF reconstruction for first light instruments on the ELT (Roland Wagner)
  • POSTER-POST-PR-112: The MICADO/MAORY PSF reconstruction service (Matthias Rosensteiner)
  • POSTER-POST-PR-113: Overview of PSF modelling techniques for adaptive-optics assisted ELT instruments (Olivier Beltramo-Martin )
  • POSTER-POST-PR-114: PRIME: Psf Reconstruction and Identification for Multiple sources characterization Enhancement (Olivier Beltramo-Martin )
  • POSTER-POST-PR-115: Multi conjugate adaptive optics point spread function reconstruction (Luc Gilles)
  • POSTER-POST-PR-116: Speckle-free diffraction-limited high-contrast imaging in the visible: on-sky results with the SHARK-VIS forerunner at LBT (Gianluca Li Causi)
  • POSTER-POST-PR-117: AIROPA: a profile fitting program for PSF-reconstruction on sky (Paolo Turri)


  • POSTER-WAV-COR-138: Adaptive Secondary Mirror development for the UH-88 telescope (Stefan Kuiper)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-139 New deformable mirrors from elastomer/nanoparticle composites (Renaud Lussier)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-140: Active minimization of non-common path aberrations for exoplanet imaging: demonstration of the self-coherent camera at Palomar Observatory (Raphaël Galicher)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-141: Tests and characterizations of the ALPAO 64x64 deformable mirror, the MICADO-MAORY SCAO AIT facility (Fabrice Vidal)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-142: LINC-NIRVANA Commissioning at the Large Binocular Telescope - Lessons Learned (Kalyan Kumar Radhakrishnan Santhakuma)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-143: Tomography for SCAO with predictive control (Jenny Niebsch)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-144: The way to XAO: a system to correct NCP and TT aberrations tested in lab for SHARK-NIR (Federico Biondi)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-145: Exploiting the pyramid WFS gain using a deformable lens as an NCPA corrector (Maria Bergomi)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-146: MOEMS-based future systems for ELTs (Frederic Zamkotsian)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-147: Building the ESO ELT M4 adaptive Unit (Elise Vernet)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-148: Open loop optical performances of a 277 voice-coil actuators deformable mirror (Runa Briguglio)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-149: Automatic Beam Stabilization for SHARK-VIS (Massimiliano Mattioli)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-151: Focal plane wavefront sensors as a solution for multi-aperture telescope cophasing (Sebastien Vievard)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-152: A Shack-Hartmann based setup to study deformable mirrors dynamics at very high framerates (Prashant Pathak)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-153: TMT Adaptive Secondary Mirror feasibility study (Roberto Biasi)
  • POSTER-WAV-COR-154: Characterization and control of an ALPAO deformable mirror to reach stable operability (Pierre Haguenauer)


  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-204: A digital prism based wavefront sensor test bench (Byron Engler)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-206: HARMONI SCAO Prototyping (Kacem El Hadi)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-207: Alternative solution for the detector module of the HARMONI LGSS: design, components, assembly and test plan (Amandine Caillat)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-208: Design of the HARMONI Pyramid WFS module (Noah Schwartz)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-209: The C-RED fast infrared camera family for wavefront sensing (Philippe Feautrier)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-210: Update AO Camera Developments at ESO (Mark Downing)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-211: Refining CANARY's elongated LGS wavefront sensing error breakdown (Lisa Bardou)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-212: Full-Frame vs. Slopes-Maps: impact on the Pyramid WFS's sensitivity and linearity (Olivier Fauvarque)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-213: On-sky validation of ZELDA, a Zernike wavefront sensor for the calibration of quasi-static aberrations in VLT/SPHERE (Arthur Vigan)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-214: Fine alignment of the pyramid WFS for SOUL (Enrico Pinna)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-215: High precision, high speed WFS techniques in Extreme adaptive optics for high'contrast applications (Maud Langlois)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-216: Focal plane wavefront measurement with convolutional neural network for high-contrast imaging (Gilles Orban de Xivry)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-218: Exoplanet direct imaging in ground-based conditions on THD2 bench (Axel Potier)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-219: 'Flattened' Pyramid Wavefront Sensor Demonstration with a regular double-pyramid (Olivier Lardière)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-220: The pulse height distribution in the SAPHIRA avalanche photodiode array (Brian McLeod)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-221: Software solutions for high performance AO in the SOUL project (Fabio Rossi)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-222: A Fast Linear Reconstructor for the Nonlinear Curvature Wavefront Sensor (nlCWFS) (Johanan Codona)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-223: Ingot wavefront sensor: from the optical design to a preliminary laboratory test (Simone Di Filippo)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-224: BESTFRENDS: An experimental bench aimed to improve AO systems by exploring novel techniques of segmented telescope phasing error estimation and atmospheric wavefront prediction and reconstruction (Masen Lamb)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-225: Design and demonstration of a reflective Pyramid wavefront sensor (Dominic Sanchez)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-226: ALTAIR Beam Splitter upgrade and Non-Common-Path Abberations (Laure Catala)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-228: Optical alignment of the LGS and NGS WFS of ERIS: procedures and first results (Marco Bonaglia)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-229: Verification and Acceptance Test Results of the ERIS Adaptive Optics Module Mechatronics (Paolo Grani)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-230: The wavefront sensing making-of for THEMIS solar telescope (Michel Tallon)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-231: Modal wavefront sensor concept using photonic crystals and nanostrucures (Jason Guenette)
  • POSTER-WAV-SEN-232: Tailoring COFFEE to phase segmented aperture high-contrast imaging systems (Laurent Mugnier)